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Rededication of Little Avenue Memorial Park – June 6, 2009

Little Avenue Memorial Park, which is situated on the northwest corner of the intersection of Weston Road and Little Avenue, has for generations, played a vital role in Weston’s social and cultural life. A community meeting place, it has hosted concerts, live theatre, arts and crafts shows, memorial services and holiday celebrations.


Residents enjoy a concert by the Weston Silver Band prior to the rededication of the new band shell on June 6, 2009

Photos by Hillary Keirstead

At the turn of the last century, the park was considerably smaller in size owing to the fact that the Weston Village Town Hall, hydro sub-station and Fire Hall occupied much of the eastern end of the site.

This 1911 photogrph shows the Weston Village Town Hall, as well as the hose drying tower of the newly constructed Fire Hall. Weston Road (then called Main Street) runs in the foreground. The buildings on Little Avenue are visible in the distance, to the left. The Town Hall was built by William Tyrell in the late 1880s. Its second floor auditorium, used for concerts and social events, was named “Dufferin Hall” in honour of the Earl of Dufferin, Canada’s Governer General from 1872 to 1878. The cast brass bell in its belfry rang to warn of fires and bore the inscription “Lord, quench this furious flame. Arise, run, help put out the same”. The bell is now in Cruickshank Park. Photo courtesy of the Weston Historical Society

These buildings were demolished in the late 1950s, contributing to an expansion of the park’s green space. Today’s Little Avenue Memorial Park is dominated by the magnificent Cenotaph designed by James Shaw and built by master stone mason James Gilbert Gove. It bears the brass sword and torches that once adorned the smaller World War I memorial that it replaced. Dedicated in 1950, Weston’s Cenotaph honours the memory not only of the Canadian soldiers who lost their lives in the first and second World Wars, but also of those who have fallen in peacekeeping missions.

Weston Cenotaph and Plaza, 2009                    Photos by Hillary and Phil Keirstead

The large, impressive Oak in the center of the park was planted in the late 1930s by Weston school children to honour Britain’s Royal Family. It is now considered one of the finest of its species in the Village.

Photo – Phil Keirstead

An important heritage plaque, commemorating Weston’s founding, is located south of the war memorial, beside Little Avenue.

Photo – Phil Keirstead

Heritage Toronto, a charitable organization that works with the citizens of Toronto to advocate for, preserve and promote a greater appreciation for our city’s diverse heritage, has authorized and will soon install a second heritage plaque nearby, to honor stone mason James Gilbert Gove. Gove’s unique stone walls run the length of the park’s southern perimeter, enhancing the fabulous landscaping and gardens.

Photo – Phil Keirstead

The Little Avenue Memorial Park (LAMP) revitalization project:

By 2003, LAMP had fallen into considerable disrepair and it was clear to many that the park, in particular the band shell, needed a significant face lift. Jason Doolan and Greg Martell, who live adjacent to the park, seized the initiative. Rousing their neighbours on Little Avenue and King Street Crescent, they approached Ward 11 City Counselor Frances Nunziata and the City of Toronto, as well as local business owners and the community for help.

The committee created from this collaboration focused its effort on two construction projects: a welcoming entry gate near the corner of Little Avenue and Weston Road and a new band shell. Counselor Nunziata was instrumental in arranging funding for these projects. The result was unveiled to the community on June 6, 2009.

LAMP Rededication:

A grand array of dignitaries, community groups, business owners and residents converged on Little Avenue Memorial Park at 1:00 p.m. on June 6, 2009 for the rededication ceremony and a community barbeque.

The Weston Heritage Conservation District staffed an information booth strategically located in the cooling shade of the park’s heritage Oak tree. Here, we updated residents on the ongoing Phase 2 Heritage Conservation District Study, discussed the benefits of a heritage designation for Weston Village and answered questions.


Fulfilling a commitment to keep residents informed, WHCD board members answer questions about the ongoing Weston Village Phase 2 Conservation District Study                                                                             Photos – Hillary Keirstead

The Weston Silver Band returns to a newly refurbished band shell       Photo – Suri Weinberg Linski

Dedicating the newly constructed park entrance: Jason Doolan, LAMP Chair; Ward 11 City Councillor Frances Nunziata; Suri Weinberg-Linsky, owner of Squibb’s Stationers and LAMP Treasurer

Photo courtesy of Suri Weinberg Linski

Rededicating the band shell: Suri Weinberg-Linsky; Kevin Bowser, Manager, West Division, Parks & Recreation; C. Lynn Chapman, Executive Director, Humber Seniors' Community Services; Councillor Frances Nunziata; York South-Weston MP Alan Tonks; Jason Doolan

Photo courtesy of Suri Weinberg Linski

The rededicated park is both welcoming and beautiful.

Photos – Phil Keirstead

Weston owes a debt of gratitude to the LAMP Revitalization Committee, whose foresight, dogged determination and enormous output of time and energy has restored a brilliant lustre to a key community resource.

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